Tuesday 11 February 2014

Digital Vs Print

When it comes to my portfolio I am starting to steer towards a digital portfolio. I feel that with the type of work I am interested in producing within the photographic field - being nature and landscape based work, a digital portfolio would work better that a printed portfolio. With the type of audience / employers I am aiming at and with everything these days being done on computers digitally the quickest and easiest way to get my work out there are for it to get noticed by publishers and editors and such is an online space where my most recent and best work will be stored. A domain in which I can direct people towards if they want to see my work.

Although I say this, I still like the idea of having a printed portfolio because like i have said in the past, not all people like to view work online, they prefer to look a printed pieces and they get a better feel for what your work will be like after it is printed up and displayed and things like that. As well as this some people just prefer to have the work in front of them to look at that way rather that just seeing it on a screen where they cant really look into the image in as much detail as it is in one position on the screen in front of them and they cant really do anything with it.

So, I think that I have definitely steered towards having both a digital and printed portfolio but at this moment in time i am focusing more on putting together a digital portfolio as it is something i want to spend time putting together and making sure it shows my work to its best ability and it as good as it can be as displaying my work.

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